Tuesday, February 24, 2009

FWFriends...amazing title for an amazing story.

Yesterday, Jill and I cussed and discussed the next days’ FWF lesson. It was about the four friends who brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus. She challenged me to remember who brought me to Jesus in my lifetime. Today is my birthday in the physical, but in answer to her question, it is my spiritual birthday that comes to mind. Rusty Teeter was used of God mightily in the college days. Mom and Granny Vera were faithful in having my scrawny bottom in the pew at Seymour First Baptist. Sandra Mayers was instrumental in teaching me at that church. Jean Slaggle sat in our section at big church and she was not faking it one bit. My Granny Grunt was a Godly lady, so I am told. I have music ministers in my heritage. Wish I had their genes! Today? If I’m ‘a Timothy’, then Barbara & Dara are ‘a Paul’. My spiritual teachers and mommas. (Although, my real momma still sets me toward Him on a regular basis.)

The FWFriends volunteers are like the friends in today’s lesson, bringing children to Jesus. These kids would be helpless without you, parents, teachers and crew leaders who carry them to FWF stations or Church on Sundays. What amazes me about the four friends in the story is that they were deeply concerned about their buddy, they believed Jesus could and would help and they did not let difficult circumstances deter them in getting to Jesus.

Most importantly, they worked together and dared to do something different. No one had ever tried the roof approach before and it worked. What would it look like in your hometown if a cooperative of churches came together for the children? In mine, which is Seymour, it would look like First United Methodist, First Baptist, Calvary Baptist and Harvest Christian Fellowship working together under the same roof. (roof…hmmm)

Jesus was pleased with these friends and saw their faith. He rewarded them for their efforts. Oh, what Jesus must’ve thought as grass fell on his head and he looked up to see such a sight. He looks down at our kids who we plop in front of Him every Tuesday and forgives them of sin and heals their bodies. Lord, give us and any naysayers outward evidence of the inward healing of their souls. Let's keep diggin'!


Jackie said...


Tammie said...

I know! Wasn't yesterday cool!

zuveena said...

wow!!! that's awesome...

Sweet Spot

In sports, the spot on a club, racket, bat, etc., where a ball is most effectively hit.

Dictionary.com © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Ten Commandment Boogie