Monday, May 23, 2011


Looks like it's been a while since Hiz Kiz Ministry has been updated!

The kiddoes I started working with about 5 years ago, first as Team Kids, then Faith Weaver Friends...well.....they're all growing up. 

It has been such a blessing for me to be able to work with Ms. Tammie for these many years. Regardless of the difference in our ages, she has been my friend and confidante. She has taught me much about loving the lesser.

No matter how busy she may be, I can always count on her to share her time with me.

Now it's time for VBS 2011!!  Let's go gettum, Tammie!

Me and Tam at the "Jam"

Praying that our friendship will never cease.

1 comment:

Tammie said... you know how much I love loving? God, Kids, never gets old.

Sweet Spot

In sports, the spot on a club, racket, bat, etc., where a ball is most effectively hit. © Random House, Inc. 2006.

Ten Commandment Boogie